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A book is a collection of written, illustrated, printed, or blank pages (white and unwritten); made of ink, paper (sheets) that are usually attached to one side. Books are designed and printed in different sizes and for different purposes. In Iran, Ruhli, Vaziri and Pocket cuts are among the most popular cuts in the book. Another type of e-book is the e-Book, which comes in the form of PDFs such as e-books such as Amazon Kindle. Another example is the non-printed audiobook. In general, the book can be divided into several sections, which are briefly presented below.


The cover is actually the outermost part of each book. The role of the book cover is to include general information about the book. The title of the book includes the author's name, translator's or author's, the print run, and so on. The cover is the first component of the book that the reader or audience will encounter. As a result, its design and layout must be such that it not only attracts the audience but also fits into the content of the book.

back cover
The back of the cover is exactly the opposite of the cover and is usually simpler than the cover. The information on the back cover can include the book's original data, along with material such as book descriptions in other languages such as English and French. Usually prices for books and barcodes are included here
Turning or tearing
The upside is the junction of the two sides of the book cover so that the inner pages of the book are joined together. The infotainment section also depends on the available space, such as the book title and author's name, for ease of access.
Title page
The title page contains basic information. Authors name, title of the book, sub-title containing descriptive terms to clarify the title, title of author (s) together with their position and degree, publisher name, date of publication Visible on the title page Note The title page should be moved exactly in the bibliographic record.
Table of Contents
This page usually comes before the preface and lists the various sections of the book, outlines and headings, the order of the page and the page number of the book.
This is the beginning of a brief introduction to the book by the author in the preface. The preface is the section in which the author speaks directly to the audience about the significance of the book and why it wrote it.